Magi : The Labyrinth of Magic vf Saison 2 Episode 15 en streaming vf et vostfr

Dernier episode selectionne : Episode 15
Image Magi : The Labyrinth of Magic vf

L’histoire de Magi est en partie inspirée des fameux contes & légendes des mille et une nuits. Dans le monde de Magi, d’étranges lieux appelés « Labyrinth » ont commencé à apparaître de manière totalement aléatoire 14 ans avant le début de l’histoire. A l’intérieur ? Des montagnes de richesses, mais aussi d’horribles pièges et dangers. Cependant, dès qu’une personne est arrivée au bout du Labyrinth, celui-ci disparaît, laissant ses trésors à celui qui l’a vaincu. Aladdin, le personnage principal, est un enfant tout ce qu’il y a de plus inoffensif… du moins, en apparence ! En effet, la flute qu’il porte autour du cou est la demeure d’un puissant djinn du nom de Hugo. Un jour, le duo va faire la connaissance d’Ali Baba, dont le rêve est d’entrer dans un Labyrinth, en quête de richesse et de gloire ! Avec l’aide d’Aladdin, son rêve lui semble être à portée de main. Mais Ali Baba ne se rend pas compte qu’avec Aladin, son aventure ira bien plus loin.

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Aladdin and Titus rescue Marga and confront the other magicians to protect the civilians until Myers appears to stop them. Brought before Mogamett, Aladdin is forgiven by the chancellor who reveals that he knows his teacher is Yamraiha and that he took care over her for some time after she lost her parents. In the next day, it is announced that the students are now authorized to visit the 5th district after Titus expressed his desire to keep watching over Marga's health, but before that, Mogamett appears to give them a lesson about the reasons for the current status quo of Magnostadt. Using clarivoyance magic, Mogamett reveals his memories of the past, when Magnostadt was still the Musta'sim Kingdom, 70 years ago when he and other magicians were forced by the royalty to use their magic to exhuastion in order to improve the land, which led to the death of his wife. After years of effort to perfect their magic, Mogamett and his fellow magicians earned themselves a place in the royal court, which drew the envy of the other nobles. However, when an unknown disease appeared in the country, the magicians were blamed and pursued for it until they were drafted as soldiers against an invasion from the Partevia Empire. The invaders were repelled, but several magicians were killed during the battle including Mogamett's only daughter and when realizing how the royals and nobles had no consideration at all for all their efforts and sacrifices, Mogamett decided to rebel against them.
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24m 2012 29 540 views

Comments 3

  • Brazier - 05 mai, 2020

    on reste chez nous si on veux c’est pas vous de nous le dire vous donne déjàs nos donner ne vous suffit pas ils faut en plus que vous donniez des ordres

  • BananeAsy - 15 mai, 2020

    Comment on met en vostfr, s’il vous plais ?

  • GanOver - 19 septembre, 2020

    c’est possible de mettre la vostfr ?svp